Friday, April 1, 2011

Response to comment:

"Superheroes are so greatly admired because at the end of their struggles they make the right choices."

This used to be the case, but in today's media the term "hero" as it applies to a superhero has less to do with morality and more to do with a capacity to do good, aka their power.
One example: Think about My Super Ex-Girlfriend... did Uma Thurman's character do the right thing when she threw a live shark into her love interest's apartment? No, I venture to say that was not the moral choice.
Hancock throwing the boy who called him an a-hole into the air? Mr.Incredible going behind his wife's back to follow a crazy mission? Iron Man drugging himself? None of these are the right choice...though out of the many I would most like to avoid the shark in my apartment.

However, the super ex-girlfriend was still a do-gooder who helped society- rendering her a superhero nonetheless.

Its a toss up, and I'm not saying the comment was incorrect- rather I want readers to note that they don't always do good. It is becoming far more acceptable for our superheroes to make the wrong choice.
Re-paint of original on left, rendition on right. Note: There are no swastika in the "new" cover.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Guess which cool kid got the 70th anniversary of the first Captain America comic re-print